This is a message from the California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education and Support Division (EESD).
The EESD has received a variety of questions about the process and procedures that child development contractors should follow because of the impact and severity of the numerous fires that have occurred in California. The EESD applauds the tremendous effort that agencies have made in the many counties in California during this emergency to attempt to continue quality child development services to families and children. However, the extreme nature of these fires have rendered centers, preschools, and providers unable to offer services. In these instances, the EESD provides the following information:
Contractors are to refer to Management Bulletin (MB) 10-09 at for specific guidance and funding direction due to circumstances beyond the control of the contractor.
MB 10-09 provides instruction for the statutory authority in Education Code Section 8271 that benefits contractors unable to operate due to circumstances beyond the control of the agency, which would include fires. The MB states that when a contractor’s days of operation are reduced because of the circumstance beyond the control of the contractor and the reduction did not result in a reduction of staff because of either layoffs or unpaid furloughs, the contractor’s governing board or executive office should adopt a resolution the nature of the emergency and the specific effect on program operations. The resolution should include:
- Dates the operation was suspended or reduced;
- For direct services contractors, the daily attendance for certified and non-certified children for the week prior to the suspended operation.
This resolution should be sent to the appropriate Field Services Office Consultant in the EESD pursuant to the instructions in MB 10-09.
Please note that the above direction includes all ESSD contractors, including Resource and Referral agencies and Alternative Payment Program agency headquarters.
If you operate a licensed facility, please report any fires on the premises to the California Department of Social Services pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22 Sections 101212(d) and 102416.2(c). All licensed facilities should also follow their disaster plans on file pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.95(f).
If you have not already been in contact with your field consultant at, please contact them as soon as possible if your agency was impacted by the fires.
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