Every child deserves Quality, Affordable, and , Accessible Early Care and Education System Services
Who We Are
San Francisco Child Care Planning and Advisory Council (CPAC) is the state-mandated Local Planning Council (LPC) established to provide a forum for the identification of local priorities for child care and early education, and the development of policies to meet these needs.
Preschool (UPK)
Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) is the expansion of the state’s mixed delivery system to meet the early education needs of 3 and 4-year-old children and their families.
CPAC members are appointed by the San Francisco City & County Board of Supervisors and the Board of Education, in accordance with state and local law.
The Education Code requires LPCs to conduct a Needs Assessment every five years providing updated local child care data.
CPAC’s strategic plan will outline our vision for the future as well as identify most recent policy priorities, goals and objectives.
Explore Resources for Children, Parents and Educators
from CPAC and our Partner Organizations.